The following talks represent current projects funded by the DDDAS program in the Air Force Office of Scientific Research BAA. Only the principal investigators are listed and the speaker may have been a different person. In some cases, team members participated in the talks.
September 30, 2013
Frederica Darema (Air Force Office of Scientific Research), Introduction to the program.
Materials modeling
Tinsley Oden (University of Texas at Austin), Development of a Stochastic Dynamic Data-Driven System for Prediction of Materials Damage.
Yannis Kevrekidis (Princeton University), Developing Data-Driven Protocols to study Complex Systems: The case of Engineered Granular Crystals (EGC).
Craig C. Douglas (U of Wyoming), Dynamic Data-Driven Modeling of Uncertainties and 3D Effects of Porous Shape Memory Alloys.
Talk Video
Y. Ding (Texas A&M University) Data-Driven Modeling of Nanoparticle Self Assembly Processes.
Air Vehicle Structural HealthMonitoring b Environment Cognizant
Yuri Bazilevs (UCSD), Advanced Simulation, Optimization, and Health Monitoring of Large Scale Structural Systems.
Karen Willcox (MIT), Dynamic Data-Driven Methods for Self-Aware Aerospace Vehicles.
Thomas Henderson (University of Utah), Bayesian Computational Sensor Networks for Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring.
Talk Video
Energy Efficiencies
Erik Frew (U of Colorado-Boulder), Energy-Aware Aerial Systems for Persistent Sampling and Surveillance.
Nurcin Celik (University of Miami), DDDAMS-based Real-time Assessment and Control of Electric-Microgrids.
Spatial Situational Awareness (UAV Swarms + Ground Systems Coordination)
Greg Madey (University of Notre Dame), Application of DDDAS Principles to Command, Control and Mission Planning for UAV Swarms.
Young-Jun Son (University of Arizona), DDDAMS-based Urban Surveillance and Crowd Control via UAVs and UGVs.
Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Tech), Dynamic Systems for Individual Tracking via Heterogeneous Information Integration and Crowd Source Distributed Simulation.
Suman Chakravorty (TAMU), An Integrated Approach to the Space Situational Awareness Problem.
Talk Video
Jose Principe (University of Florida), A Dynamic Data Driven Cognitive Control Architecture for Exploration.
October 1, 2013
Spatial Situational Awareness (Co-operative Sensing UAV-Ground-Space)
Anthony Vodacek (Rochester Institute of Technology), DDDAS for Object Tracking in Complex and Dynamic Environments (DOTCODE).
Shashi Phoha (Penn State), Dynamic Data Driven Adaptation via Embedded Software Agents for Border Control Scenario.
Erik Blasch and Guna Seetharaman (AFRL-RI), Multiscale Analysis of Multimodal Imagery for Cooperative Sensing.
Guna Sheetharanam (AFRL-RI), New Globally Convex Models for Vision Problems using Variational Methods (LRIR).
Brian Tsou (FRL-RH), Symbiotic Partnership between Ground Observers and Overhead Image Analysis (LRIR).
Shuvra Bhattacharyya (University Of Maryland), Adaptive Stream Mining: A Novel Dynamic Computing Paradigm for Knowledge Extraction.
Carlos A. Varela (RPI), Stochastic Logical Reasoning for Autonomous Mission Planning.
Space Weather and Atmospheric Events b Modeling/Observations
Dennis Bernstein (University of Michigan), Transformative Advances in DDDAS with Application to Space Weather Modeling.
Abani Patra (University at Buffalo), DDDAS Approach To Volcanic Ash Transport & Dispersal Forecast.
Sai Ravela (MIT), Fluid SLAM and the Robotic Reconstruction of Localized Atmospheric Phenomena.
Adrian Sandu (Virginia Technology University), A Framework for Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty in InfoSymbiotic Systems Arising in Atmospheric Environments.
Kamran Mohseni (University of Florida), Dynamic Data-Driven UAV Network for Plume Characterization.
Derek Paley (University of Maryland), Optimized Routing of Intelligent,Mobile Sensors for Dynamic, Data-Driven Sampling.
October 2, 2013
Systems Software
Philip Jones (Iowa State University), An Adaptive Property-Aware HW/SW Framework for DDDAS.
Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University), Amorphous Polyhedral Model for Stochastic Control of Autonomous UAVs.
Vaidy Sunderam (Emory University), PREDICT: Privacy and Security Enhancing Dynamic Information Collection and Monitoring.
Salim Hariri (Arizona State Universty at Tucson), DDDAS-based Resilient Cyberspace (DRCS).